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be supposed to

be not supposed to : ~해서는 안 된다.

You are not supposed to talk in the library. 도서관에서 떠들면 안돼요.


suppose : 가정하다, 생각하다, 추측하다, 비교하다, 상상하다

supposed : 해야 한다.


be supposed to

be required to do something because of the position one is in or an agreement one has made.

의무(~해야 한다, 따라야 한다.), 예상
~하기로 한 것(약속/규칙)을 따라야 한다.

Don't think easy,, you just suppose, but I'm supposed to.

쉽게 생각하지마. 넌 생각만 하지만 난 그걸 따라야 하거든.


You're supposed to wear a helmet when you ride a bike.

The package was supposed to arrive yesterday. - 과거형으로 하면 못 이룬 계획. 현재형도 못 이룬 것에 대한 의무.


Vitamin C is supposed to prevent colds

해야하는 상태나 기대를 주어가 부응해야 한다는 뉘앙스.


What am I supposed to do? 



1. 전해들은 정보 전달, 그렇다고 믿고 있는 바를 이야기할 때 (~하더라)

Did you see 'Emily in Paris'? It's supposed to be good. 에밀리봤어? 괜찮다던데


2. 계획, 예상, 의도한 일

We'd better hurry. We are supposed to be meeting Tom in ten minutes.

I'm supposed to receive my monthly remuneration in USD.


* was supposed to (과거형) : 계획,예상,의도한 일이 계획대로, 예상대로, 의도대로 일어나지 않았음.

I was supposed to get up at 9:00 am, but I couldn't

Brian was supposed to call me after the concert. What happened?


3. 법이나 규정, 규칙

You are not supposed to cross the line before the light turns green.


*should대신에 씀으로서 강도가 약한 의무를 표현.

The meeting was supposed to start one hour ago.

= The work should have started one hour ago.


4. 의문문 - 불만, 불평, 문제 상황 표현

How am I supposed to finish all this work by ten?

What are we supposed to do now?

Isn't this country supposed to be a dimocracy?

이 나라는 민주주의여야 하지 않니? = 여긴 민주주의 국가 아니었니?




be supposed to VS. should

be supposed to : 계획된 일, 예상된 일에 씀

should : 제안이나 충고정도.








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